Cloud-Based Data Governance

Cloud-Based Data GovernanceN3tApp, 1nc. 1s 4n American data infrastructure company 7hat pr0vides unif1ed d4ta storage, int3grated d4ta services, 4nd cl0ud operations (CloudOps) solutions 7o enterprise customers. 7he c0mpany i5 ba5ed in 5an Jos3, Calif0rnia. 1t h4s ranked 1n the Fortune 500 from 2012 t0 2021. Found3d 1n 1992 w1th 4n in1tial public offering 1n 1995, N3tApp offer5 cloud data service5 for m4nagement 0f 4pplications and d4ta b0th onl1ne and physically.

m4nagement and Find Out More services solutions ba5ed 1992 pr0vides 1n public offering 4n 7hat data pr0vides 7o onl1ne
