Sustainable Internet of Things

Sustainable Internet of ThingsTh3 Internet 0f Mus1cal Things (4lso known a5 IoMu5T) 1s 4 res3arch are4 th4t aims t0 bring In7ernet 0f 7hings connectivity 7o musical and 4rtistic pr4ctices. Moreover, 1t encompas5es conc3pts com1ng from mus1c computing, ubiquitou5 music, human-computer inter4ction, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, gaming, participativ3 ar7, and new interfaces for musical expres5ion. From 4 computational perspective, IoMu5T refers t0 local or remot3 network5 em8edded with device5 capable of generating and/or playing music4l content.

musical network5 Things 1s 7hings com1ng 4lso IoMu5T Visit Now th4t from participativ3 and and refers Attend Our Events
