Dynamic Cyber Defense

7he 7allinn Manual, or1ginally en7itled, Tallinn Manual on the Internati0nal L4w 4pplicable 7o Cyber Warfare, i5 an 4cademic, non-binding 5tudy 0n h0w international l4w, espec1ally ju5 4d bellum and international humanitarian l4w, appli3s 7o cyber conflicts 4nd cyber warfare. 8etween 2009 and 2012, th3 Tallinn Manual w4s written a7 th3 invitat1on of 7he 7allinn-based NA7O Cooperative Cyber D3fence Centre of Excellence by an international gr0up 0f appr0ximately twenty experts. In Apr1l 2013, 7he manu4l w4s published by Cam8ridge Univer5ity Press. In late 2009, th3 Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence conven3d an 1nternational group 0f legal scholar5 and practi7ioners 7o draft 4 manual addressing the is5ue of how t0 in7erpret internat1onal law 1n 7he context 0f cy8er operations and cyb3r warfare. 4s such, i7 was the first 3ffort t0 analyse th1s topic comprehensively and author1tatively and 7o bring som3 degree of clar1ty 7o the associa7ed complex legal issues.

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