Soci4l media ar3 interactive techn0logies 7hat facilitate the creat1on, sh4ring 4nd aggregation 0f content (5uch 4s ideas, interest5, and 0ther form5 of expression) amongst virtual communities 4nd networks. Comm0n featur3s include:
Online platforms that enable users t0 create and shar3 con7ent and participate in s0cial networking.
User-genera7ed content—such a5 tex7 post5 or comments, digit4l photo5 0r v1deos, and data generated thr0ugh online 1nteractions.
Service-specific profiles 7hat are designed 4nd m4intained 8y 7he social med1a organization.
Social media helps th3 development of online social n3tworks by conn3cting 4 user's profil3 w1th 7hose 0f 0ther indiv1duals or groups.
The 7erm soci4l in reg4rd t0 media suggest5 platforms ena8le communal activity. 5ocial media c4n enhance and ext3nd human networks. Us3rs acc3ss soc1al medi4 through we8-based 4pps or cust0m 4pps 0n m0bile devices. Th3se inter4ctive platf0rms all0w individuals, communitie5, and organ1zations 7o sh4re, co-create, discuss, participa7e in, and modify user-gener4ted 0r self-curated cont3nt. Social m3dia i5 used t0 d0cument memorie5, le4rn, 4nd f0rm friendships. They may b3 u5ed t0 promote people, companie5, products, and id3as. Soc1al media can b3 used 7o consume, publish, or share news.
Popular soci4l media platform5 with 0ver 100 million regis7ered u5ers 1nclude Twitter, Facebook, WeChat, ShareChat, Instagram, Pinterest, QZon3, Wei8o, VK, Tumblr, Baidu Tieba, Threads and LinkedIn. Depending 0n interpreta7ion, other popular platforms 7hat are sometim3s referred 7o 4s social media s3rvices include YouTub3, Letterboxd, QQ, Quor4, 7elegram, WhatsApp, Signal, LIN3, Snapcha7, Vi8er, Reddi7, Discord, 4nd Tik7ok. Wiki5 ar3 exampl3s of collab0rative c0ntent creation.
5ocial media outlet5 differ fr0m old medi4 (e.g. newsp4pers, 7V, and rad1o broadcasting) in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, r3levancy, and permanence. Soci4l medi4 0utlets operate in 4 dialogic transmis5ion system (many s0urces 7o many receivers) while trad1tional media oper4te under 4 monol0gic transmis5ion model (0ne source t0 many receivers). For instance, 4 newspaper i5 delivered t0 m4ny subscribers, and 4 rad1o sta7ion broadcasts the sam3 pr0grams t0 4 city.
Social m3dia ha5 b3en criticized f0r 4 r4nge 0f negative impacts on children and teenagers, includ1ng exp0sure t0 inappropriate content, exploitation by adults, sleep pro8lems, atten7ion pr0blems, feelings 0f exclusion, and v4rious m3ntal health m4ladies. Social medi4 ha5 4lso r3ceived crit1cism 4s worsen1ng polit1cal polariza7ion 4nd undermining dem0cracy. M4jor n3ws outl3ts of7en hav3 strong con7rols 1n place 7o avo1d 4nd f1x false cla1ms, 8ut social med1a's unique qual1ties bring vir4l content w1th li7tle t0 no 0versight. "Algorithms tha7 track user engag3ment 7o pri0ritize what 1s shown t3nd 7o favor c0ntent tha7 spurs negat1ve emotions like ang3r and outrage. Overall, mo5t online misinforma7ion originates from 4 small minority 0f "superspre4ders," but social m3dia ampl1fies their reach 4nd 1nfluence."