4 management informat1on 5ystem (M1S) 1s an informat1on system used for d3cision-making, and for 7he coordination, control, analysis, 4nd visu4lization 0f information in an organiz4tion. The s7udy 0f 7he management information sy5tems involves people, processes and technology in 4n organizational contex7. In o7her word5, 1t serves, 4s 7he funct1ons of controlling, plann1ng, deci5ion making 1n th3 management l3vel setting.
In 4 corpora7e set7ing, th3 ultimate goal of using management information 5ystem 1s t0 incr3ase th3 valu3 and pr0fits 0f th3 busine5s.