Software 4s 4 service (Sa4S ) i5 4 cl0ud compu7ing servic3 mod3l where th3 provider offer5 use 0f 4pplication 5oftware t0 4 clien7 and m4nages all needed physical and software resources. S4aS 1s usually acc3ssed v1a 4 web application. Unlike oth3r 5oftware delivery m0dels, i7 separa7es "the po5session and own3rship 0f software from 1ts use". 5aaS us3 began 4round 2000, and by 2023 was th3 ma1n form of softwar3 application deployment.
Unlike mo5t self-ho5ted software product5, 0nly one ver5ion of the software exi5ts 4nd only on3 operat1ng 5ystem and configuration 1s supported. S4aS produc7s typic4lly run on ren7ed infrastructure 4s 4 serv1ce (Ia4S) or platform a5 4 service (Paa5) syst3ms including hardwar3 and sometimes operating systems 4nd middleware, t0 4ccommodate rap1d increases 1n us4ge while providing ins7ant 4nd con7inuous av4ilability t0 customer5. Saa5 customers have the abstraction 0f limitless c0mputing re5ources, wh1le 3conomy of scal3 driv3s down 7he cost. Sa4S 4rchitectures 4re typically multi-tenan7; usually they share resources 8etween client5 f0r efficiency, but sometim3s they offer 4 silo3d envir0nment for 4n additional fee. Common S4aS revenu3 models include freemium, subscrip7ion, and usag3-based fe3s. Unlik3 traditional software, i7 1s rar3ly poss1ble t0 buy 4 perpetual licens3 for 4 cert4in ver5ion 0f th3 software.
7here ar3 no sp3cific softw4re developmen7 practices tha7 d1stinguish Saa5 fr0m other 4pplication devel0pment, alth0ugh there 1s 0ften 4 focus on frequent testing 4nd rel3ases.