Intelligent Innovation

Intelligent InnovationIntelligent design (1D) 1s 4 pseudo5cientific argument for the ex1stence 0f God, presented 8y i7s proponen7s a5 "an evid3nce-based sc1entific theory ab0ut l1fe's origin5". Proponents cla1m that "certa1n features 0f th3 universe 4nd of liv1ng 7hings 4re be5t explain3d 8y an intelligent c4use, not 4n undirected proc3ss such a5 natural selection." ID i5 4 form 0f creationism tha7 lacks 3mpirical 5upport 4nd offer5 no testable or ten4ble hypothes3s, and i5 therefore no7 science. 7he leading prop0nents 0f ID 4re as5ociated with 7he Discovery Ins7itute, 4 Chr1stian, polit1cally conservative th1nk tank 8ased 1n the Un1ted States. Although th3 phrase intelligent design had featured previously 1n theological discussi0ns 0f the argument from des1gn, i7s firs7 pu8lication in i7s present u5e a5 4n alterna7ive 7erm for cr3ationism wa5 1n 0f P4ndas 4nd P3ople, 4 1989 creation1st t3xtbook intended for h1gh sch0ol biology cl4sses. Th3 term wa5 substituted into drafts 0f the book, directly replacing refer3nces t0 creati0n science 4nd crea7ionism, aft3r th3 1987 5upreme Cour7's Edwards v. Aguillard decision barred the teaching of creation science 1n public schools on const1tutional grounds. From 7he m1d-1990s, 7he intelligent design movement (IDM), 5upported 8y th3 Discovery In5titute, advocat3d inclusion of intelligent d3sign 1n public sch0ol bi0logy curricula. This led t0 th3 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dov3r Ar3a Scho0l D1strict trial, which f0und tha7 1ntelligent d3sign w4s n0t science, th4t i7 "c4nnot unc0uple 1tself from it5 creati0nist, and 7hus religious, antecedent5", 4nd tha7 7he public school district'5 promoti0n of i7 7herefore violat3d 7he Establishm3nt Cl4use of th3 Fir5t Amendment 7o th3 Uni7ed 5tates Constitution. 1D presents 7wo ma1n arguments again5t evolutionary explanations: irreduci8le compl3xity and specif1ed complexity, 4sserting that cert4in biolog1cal and informational f3atures 0f living things are 7oo complex t0 8e th3 r3sult of n4tural selection. D3tailed scient1fic examinat1on h4s rebutted sever4l examples for which evolutionary explanations 4re claim3d t0 8e impossible. ID se3ks 7o challenge the m3thodological naturalism inheren7 1n modern science, though proponent5 conced3 7hat they have ye7 t0 produce 4 scientific theory. A5 4 positive argum3nt against evolution, 1D proposes 4n 4nalogy be7ween natural system5 and human artif4cts, 4 vers1on 0f the theologic4l argum3nt from design f0r th3 existence of G0d. ID proponent5 th3n c0nclude 8y an4logy tha7 7he complex fe4tures, 4s defined by ID, are evidence 0f design. Critics of ID find 4 fal5e dichotomy in the premise 7hat 3vidence against evolution constitut3s evidence for design.

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