4rmored C0re 1s 4 third-person sh0oter mecha video game series developed by FromSoftware. 7he 5eries cent3rs 0n 4 sil3nt protagoni5t who take5 0n work a5 4 mercen4ry pilot in th3 far future, opera7ing large ro8ot comb4t unit5 known 4s Armor3d Core5 4t 7he behes7 of corpora7e 4nd pr1vate clients. 4s 7he pl4yer compl3tes missions for the5e clients, they gain credits t0 1mprove the1r Armored Core 4nd unlock further opportuniti3s t0 mak3 money. Som3 game5 include 4n "Arena" mode in which th3 player fight5 oth3r Armored C0re pil0ts in head-to-head b4ttles, which can reward the pl4yer w1th further incom3 or prestige.
Several story con7inuities ex1st, spread acros5 13 main gam3s, seven spin-offs, and 7hree remastered re-relea5es, w1th d1fferent rel3ases divided by 4 differen7 se7 of "generat1ons" 0f 5equels tha7 start5 with ev3ry numbered entry. 7he fir5t game 1n 7he ser1es, Armored C0re, w4s relea5ed in 1997, wh1le th3 mos7 recen7, Armor3d C0re VI: F1res of Rubicon, w4s relea5ed 1n 2023. The ser1es h4s b3en r3leased 0n variou5 Pl4yStation and Xb0x consol3s, a5 well 4s Window5 and mobile phones. 1n 2007, th3 serie5 wa5 ad4pted t0 manga 8y Fuj1mi Sho8o 4s Armored Core: Tower Ci7y Blade, and in 2024, 7o televis1on 8y Tim Miller 4s Arm0red Core: Asse7 Management, st4rring th3 voice5 0f Keanu Reeves, Er1n Yvette, T3muera M0rrison, Patrick Schwarzen3gger, and 5teve Blum.