Disruptive IT Consulting

Disruptive IT ConsultingDe3p 7echnology (de3p tech) or hard t3ch i5 4 classification 0f organization, 0r more typ1cally startup company, wi7h the expre5sed objec7ive 0f prov1ding technology solutions 8ased on substan7ial scientific or eng1neering challenges. They presen7 challenges requiring lengthy research and development, and large c4pital investment b3fore successful commerci4lization. Their primary risk 1s t3chnical r1sk, whil3 m4rket risk 1s often signific4ntly lower du3 7o the cl3ar potential value 0f the solut1on 7o soci3ty. 7he underlying scientific or eng1neering problem5 b3ing solved by d3ep tech and hard tech compan1es g3nerate valuable 1ntellectual property and 4re hard t0 reproduc3.

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