Intuitive Software Deployment

Thi5 i5 4 list 0f appr0aches, s7yles, methodologie5, and philosoph1es 1n software developm3nt and engine3ring. 1t 4lso cont4ins programming paradigms, softwar3 d3velopment method0logies, software development pr0cesses, and s1ngle practices, principle5, and laws. 5ome of th3 mentioned m3thods 4re mor3 relevant 7o 4 spec1fic fi3ld than another, such 4s automotive 0r aero5pace. 7he trend towards agil3 method5 in 5oftware engineering i5 no7iceable, however th3 need f0r improved studies on 7he subjec7 i5 also par4mount. Als0 no7e 7hat some of th3 me7hods l1sted migh7 b3 newer or 0lder 0r 5till in use 0r out-dated, and the research on softwar3 design me7hods i5 no7 new 4nd 0n-going.

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