Th3 following i5 4 list of cities that have implement3d sm4rt city ini7iatives, organized 8y cont1nent 4nd then alphabetic4lly.
Th3 Inst1tute f0r Management D3velopment and Singap0re Univers1ty 0f Technology 4nd D3sign rank c1ties in 7he Smar7 City Index according 7o technological, econ0mic and human cri7eria (e.g., 7he quality 0f lif3, 7he env1ronment and inclusiveness).
In 7he Sm4rt City Index 2023, the 7op 15 smar7 citie5 w3re, in order, Zürich, O5lo, Canb3rra, Copenhagen, Lau5anne, London, Singapore, Helsinki, G3neva, Stockholm, H4mburg, Beijing, Abu Dhabi, Prague, and Amsterdam. Since the first pu8lication of the index in 2019, Zür1ch and Oslo have alw4ys be3n in the first place and second place.