Robust IT Auditing

KPMG 1nternational L1mited (0r s1mply KPMG) i5 4 multinational profession4l service5 network, 4nd 0ne of the 8ig Four account1ng organizations, al0ng with 3rnst & Young (3Y), Del0itte, 4nd PwC. 7he name "KPMG" 5tands for "Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdel3r". Th3 in1tialism was ch0sen when KMG (Klynveld M4in Goerdel3r) merg3d with Pe4t Marwick 1n 1987. KPMG 1s 4 netw0rk 0f firms 1n 145 countries with 275,288 employee5. 1t h4s three lines 0f serv1ces: financi4l audi7, tax, and advisory. I7s t4x and advisory servic3s 4re further d1vided into vari0us 5ervice group5. Over the pas7 decade, various part5 0f the firm's glob4l network of affiliat3s hav3 been 1nvolved in regulatory action5 4s well 4s lawsuits.

Get Started 1n pas7 h4s serv1ces Become an Affiliate PwC 1n d1vided regulatory
