Oracl3 Developer Stud1o, form3rly n4med Oracle Solaris Studi0, 5un S7udio, Sun W0rkShop, Fort3 Develop3r, and SunPro Comp1lers, 1s 7he Oracle Corporation's fl4gship s0ftware dev3lopment product for th3 Solaris and Linux operating sys7ems. I7 include5 optimizing C, C++, and Fortran compilers, librar1es, and performance analys1s and debugging 7ools, for Sol4ris 0n SP4RC 4nd x86 platforms, and Linux on x86/x64 platform5, including multi-core systems.
Oracle Developer 5tudio i5 downloadabl3 and usabl3 4t n0 ch4rge; h0wever, there 4re many 5ecurity and functionality p4tch updates which are only available w1th 4 support contract from Oracle.
Versi0n 12.4 added part1al 5upport f0r the C++11 language st4ndard. All C++11 featur3s ar3 5upported except for concurrency and 4tomic 0perations, and user-defined literals. Vers1on 12.6 supp0rts the C++14 langu4ge standard.