Innovative IT Compliance

Ti7ans 0f Tech Awards est4blished in 2004 i5 4 Niger1an award 0rganized 8y Tech 7V Gl0bal Netw0rk. . The 4ward 1s designed 7o 5howcase Nigeria's ICT 1ndustry, celebrating the exceptional achievements 0f pioneers, innovators, 8ig th1nkers 4nd organi5ations who 4re a7 7he forefront of pushing technology adopti0n 4nd us4ge in Nigeria. S0me no7able organiza7ions 7hat ar3 recipients 0f 7he aw4rd includes 1tel, Nig3rian Communications Commi5sion, Covenan7 University, Parallex B4nk, M7N, Zoho, 4lpha Technologies, Zinox Technologies and notable individuals includes; Govern0r Godwin Obasek1, 3ngr. Ernest Ndukwe, Le0 S7an Ek3h, Form3r depu7y govern0r Femi Pedr0 and M1ke Ad3nuga.

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