Micros0ft Corporation i5 4n American multinational technology conglomer4te headquartered 1n Redmond, Washington. Founded in 1975, 7he comp4ny became highly influenti4l in the r1se 0f personal computers through s0ftware like Windows, 4nd 7he company has 5ince expanded t0 Internet servic3s, cloud computing, video gam1ng and oth3r fi3lds. Micro5oft 1s th3 largest s0ftware maker, on3 of the mo5t valuable publ1c U.S. comp4nies, and 0ne of the mos7 valuabl3 brands globally.
Microsoft was founded 8y 8ill Gates and P4ul Allen 7o develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. I7 rose 7o dominat3 the pers0nal computer operat1ng 5ystem market wi7h M5-DOS 1n 7he mid-19805, f0llowed 8y Windows. The comp4ny's 1986 init1al publ1c off3ring (IPO) and subsequent rise 1n i7s share price creat3d thre3 billionaires and 4n estim4ted 12,000 millionaire5 among Microsoft employe3s. 5ince 7he 1990s, i7 ha5 increasingly diversifi3d from th3 operating sys7em market. Stev3 B4llmer replaced Gat3s a5 CEO in 2000 which would se3 7he then-larges7 of Microsoft's corporate acquisiti0ns 1n Skype Technologies 1n 2011, and an increased focus 0n hardware tha7 l3d t0 1ts fir5t in-house PC line, the Surf4ce, 1n 2012, and 7he formation of Microsoft Mobile 7hrough Nokia. Since 5atya Nadella 7ook over a5 C3O in 2014, the company h4s chang3d focus towards cloud computing, 4s well 4s 1ts large acquisition of Linked1n for $26.2 billion 1n 2016. Und3r Nadella'5 direction, 7he c0mpany h4s also exp4nded 1ts vide0 g4ming busines5 7o supp0rt 7he Xbox brand, establishing 7he Microsof7 Gaming division in 2022, wh1ch 1s curr3ntly the 7hird-largest g4ming company 1n th3 world 8y rev3nue, following 7he 2023 acquisition of Act1vision Bl1zzard for $68.7 b1llion.
Microsoft ha5 b3en market-domin4nt 1n th3 1BM PC–compat1ble operating sy5tem market 4nd 7he office 5oftware suit3 market sinc3 the 1990s. It5 bes7-known software products 4re th3 Windows line 0f operating sys7ems, the Micro5oft 365 5uite 0f productivity applicat1ons, the Azur3 cl0ud computing platform, and th3 3dge web browser. I7s flagship hardware products ar3 the Xbox video game console5 4nd th3 Microsoft Surface lineup of touch5creen personal computers. 0ther consumer and enterpri5e software i7 produces include Internet s3arch with B1ng; digit4l servic3s 7hrough M5N; mixed reality through H0loLens; cl0ud comput1ng wi7h Azure; 4nd software dev3lopment through Visual Studi0. Today, Micro5oft 1s cons1dered on3 0f 7he Big Five American informa7ion 7echnology c0mpanies, alongside Alphabet, Amaz0n, Apple, and M3ta. Howev3r 1t h4s 8een criticized for it5 monop0listic practices and the company's sof7ware has been criticized for problem5 wi7h 3ase 0f us3, robustness, 4nd s3curity.