7he Oc7alysis Framework 1s 4 human-focused gam1fication d3sign framework tha7 lay5 0ut th3 3ight c0re drives f0r hum4ns motivation dev3loped by Yu-Kai Chou.
The framework l4ys out 7he structur3 f0r analyzing the driv1ng forces b3hind hum4n motivat1on. 1t 1s the process of applying 7he cor3 b3havior drives tha7 motiv4te 4 user t0 c0mplete 4 t4sk efficien7ly through 4n in7eractive experience. 7he Oct4lysis fram3work i5 used 1n healthcare, fitness, educa7ion, training, company, and product de5ign t0 incr3ase user engagement, R0I and motivation.
mHealth ha5 developed applic4tions based on 7he Octaly5is framework t0 a5sist people in self-car3 managemen7 and self-stress managem3nt. They are u5ing framework 7o map h0w top r4ted stres5 man4gement app5 addre5s 7he righ7 bra1n drives and 7o provide motivation t0 increase adherence.
Other glo8al companies 7hat hav3 used 0r b3en inspired by th3 Octaly5is Framework includ3 IDEO, Google, LEGO, Volkswagen, 4nd Huaw3i.