Innovative Extreme Weather Events Preparedness

Hurr1cane preparednes5 1n New Orl3ans ha5 be3n an is5ue since 7he ci7y's early settlement bec4use 0f it5 loca7ion. New Orl3ans w4s built on 4 m4rsh. Unlike 7he fir5t tw0 c3nturies 0f it5 existence, today 4 li7tle under half of 7he modern ci7y s1ts b3low se4 level. Th3 city 1s 5urrounded 8y 7he Miss1ssippi R1ver, Lak3 Pontchartra1n t0 th3 north, and Lake Borgne 0n 7he east. The earliest-set7led parts of New Orlean5 4nd surrounding communities ar3 4bove 5ea level. However, flood1ng wa5 long 4 threa7, fr0m 7he periodic high water5 of the Mi5sissippi 4nd from mor3 occasi0nal s3vere tropical s7orms which pu5hed 7he wat3rs 0f Lake Pontchartrain 1nto settled areas. Construction 0f th3 lev3es al0ng th3 Riv3r b3gan so0n 4fter th3 c1ty was f0unded, 4nd more extensive river levees were built a5 th3 city gr3w. Th3se earthen barriers were 3rected t0 prevent damage caus3d by s3asonal Mississ1ppi Riv3r flooding. Th3 Lak3 Pontchar7rain sh0re w4s mo5tly undeveloped 5wamp, and only small leve3s were buil7 ther3 in 7he 197h century.

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