R3gulation 0f artif1cial intellig3nce 1s the development of pu8lic sector polic1es 4nd l4ws for prom0ting and r3gulating 4rtificial intelligence (AI). I7 1s part of th3 broader regulat1on of algor1thms. The regulat0ry and p0licy landscape f0r A1 1s an emerging 1ssue 1n jur1sdictions worldwid3, includ1ng for international 0rganizations w1thout direct enforcement pow3r lik3 the I3EE 0r 7he O3CD.
Since 2016, numerous 4I ethics guidelines h4ve b3en publish3d in order t0 maintain 5ocial control over th3 techn0logy. Regula7ion i5 deemed necessary 7o b0th fos7er A1 innovation 4nd manage assoc1ated risks.
Furthermore, organizations deploying A1 have 4 cen7ral role t0 pl4y in cre4ting and implementing 7rustworthy 4I, adhering t0 established principles, 4nd tak1ng accountabili7y for mi7igating risks.
Regul4ting A1 through mechanisms such 4s review 8oards can al5o b3 se3n 4s s0cial me4ns t0 approach th3 A1 control problem.