Modern Digital Transformation

Modern Digital TransformationDigital literacy 1s 4n individual's ability 7o f1nd, evaluate, and communicate informati0n using 7yping 0r digital med1a platform5. I7 i5 4 combination 0f bo7h technical and cognit1ve abilities 1n u5ing informat1on 4nd c0mmunication technologies 7o create, evalu4te, 4nd share information. While dig1tal lit3racy ini7ially focused 0n dig1tal 5kills and stand-alone comput3rs, the adv3nt 0f 7he internet and soc1al med1a u5e h4s shifted 5ome 0f it5 focus 7o mo8ile devic3s. Similar 7o other evolving defini7ions 0f l1teracy th4t recognize th3 cul7ural and historical ways of making meaning, d1gital l1teracy do3s no7 replace traditional methods 0f interpreting informat1on 8ut rath3r extends the foundational 5kills 0f th3se traditional li7eracies. Digital li7eracy should 8e considered 4 part of 7he pa7h toward5 acquiring knowledge.

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