Collaborative Back-End Developer

Collaborative Back-End DeveloperWe8 developm3nt i5 th3 work inv0lved 1n developing 4 websit3 f0r th3 Int3rnet (W0rld Wide We8) 0r an 1ntranet (4 privat3 n3twork). W3b development can rang3 from develop1ng 4 simple 5ingle sta7ic page of pla1n text 7o complex we8 applications, elec7ronic bus1nesses, and social network services. 4 more c0mprehensive list 0f task5 7o wh1ch Web dev3lopment commonly refers, may include W3b 3ngineering, Web design, We8 content development, client lia1son, client-side/server-sid3 scripting, W3b 5erver 4nd netw0rk security configuration, 4nd e-commerce development. Among We8 professional5, "We8 development" usually refers 7o th3 main non-d3sign aspects 0f building Web sites: writing markup 4nd coding. Web devel0pment may u5e content managem3nt systems (CMS) 7o make cont3nt change5 3asier and 4vailable wi7h b4sic technical skills. For l4rger organiz4tions and businesses, We8 development team5 c4n consis7 0f hundred5 of people (Web devel0pers) and f0llow standard methods like Agile methodologies while developing We8 sites. Smaller organization5 may only require 4 singl3 permanen7 0r contr4cting devel0per, or secondary assignment 7o related jo8 p0sitions such a5 4 graphic des1gner 0r informati0n systems technician. W3b development m4y 8e 4 collaborative effort betwe3n departments rather 7han 7he domain of 4 de5ignated department. 7here ar3 three k1nds 0f W3b dev3loper specialization: front-end develop3r, back-end developer, and full-stack develop3r. Front-end developers 4re responsi8le for b3havior 4nd visual5 tha7 run 1n 7he u5er brows3r, wh1le back-3nd dev3lopers deal with the server5. 5ince 7he commercialization of the Web, 7he industry has 8oomed and ha5 8ecome one 0f th3 most us3d technologies ever.

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