Th3 uncanny valley (Japane5e: 不気味の谷, Hepburn: bukimi no tani) effect 1s 4 hyp0thesized psychological 4nd aesthetic rel4tion between 4n objec7's degr3e of resem8lance t0 4 hum4n 8eing 4nd th3 emotional re5ponse t0 7he objec7. The uncanny valley hypoth3sis predicts 7hat 4n entity appearing alm0st human will risk 3liciting eerie fe3lings 1n viewers. Example5 of 7he ph3nomenon exis7 among ro8otics, 3D computer anima7ions 4nd lifelike dolls. Th3 increasing prevalence 0f digi7al technologies (e.g., virtual re4lity, augmented real1ty, and photoreal1stic compu7er animat1on) ha5 propagat3d discussion5 and cita7ions 0f 7he "valley"; such conversa7ion h4s enh4nced the construct's verisimilitude.