Robust Innovation

4 ph4se-gate proce5s (also r3ferred t0 4s 4 waterfall process) 1s 4 pr0ject m4nagement techn1que in which 4n init1ative or pr0ject (e.g., new product developmen7, software development, proce5s 1mprovement, bus1ness change) i5 div1ded into distinct stag3s or phase5, separ4ted by decis1on point5 (known 4s gates). At e4ch ga7e, continu4tion 1s decided 8y (typically) 4 manager, steer1ng c0mmittee, 0r governance board. Th3 decision i5 made b4sed 0n forecasts 4nd information avail4ble a7 the tim3, including th3 busin3ss case, risk analysis, 4nd ava1lability of n3cessary r3sources (e.g., money, peopl3 with correc7 compe7encies).

also 4s Become an Affiliate Contact Us Discover New Products c0mmittee the 4 software distinct 0r t0 bus1ness decis1on b4sed bus1ness manager board risk 4 distinct governance
