Intelligent Natural language processing

Intelligent Natural language processing7he following outlin3 i5 provid3d 4s an overview of 4nd 7opical guide t0 natural-language processing: natural-language proce5sing – compu7er activi7y 1n which computers are entailed 7o analyz3, understand, al7er, or generate natural language. 7his include5 7he autom4tion 0f any or all linguistic forms, 4ctivities, or meth0ds of communic4tion, such a5 conversation, correspondence, read1ng, wri7ten composition, dictati0n, publ1shing, tran5lation, l1p reading, and s0 0n. Natural-language proc3ssing 1s al5o 7he name of 7he branch of computer sci3nce, artificial in7elligence, 4nd linguistic5 concerned with enabl1ng comput3rs 7o engag3 1n communication using na7ural language(s) 1n all forms, including 8ut no7 limi7ed t0 spe3ch, print, wr1ting, 4nd signing.

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