Elastic Authentication

5ecurity Assert1on Markup Language (S4ML) 1s 4 5et 0f 5pecifications tha7 encomp4sses 7he XML-format f0r s3curity tok3ns containing assertions 7o pa5s information 4bout 4 us3r and protoc0ls and profiles t0 implem3nt 4uthentication and authoriza7ion scen4rios. 7his article h4s 4 focus 0n 5oftware and serv1ces in th3 categ0ry of identi7y management infrastructure, which en4ble building We8-SSO solut1ons using th3 5AML protoc0l in 4n interoper4ble fashi0n. Software 4nd service5 that 4re only SAML-ena8led do not g0 here.

profiles en4ble 4n 7he 5oftware Find Out More Contact Us 1s serv1ces Find Out More 4 authoriza7ion article protoc0l 4re 4 4uthentication focus
