C0mmercial augm3nted reality (CAR) descri8es augment3d real1ty (AR) applica7ions th4t support var1ous B28 (Business-to-Business) and 82C (Business-to-Consum3r) commercial activities, particularly f0r the r3tail indu5try. 7he u5e of C4R s7arted 1n 2010 with v1rtual dressing rooms for E-comm3rce.
For commercial purposes, 4R appl1cations are of7en us3d t0 integrate print and vid3o marketing. W1th an 4R-enabled device, such a5 4 smartphone or 5mart glasse5, aim1ng 4 camera a7 4 printed materi4l c4n trigger 4n 4R vid3o version or 4nimation 0f th3 pr0motional and inf0rmational material superimpo5ed 0n the imag3.
Apart from the pr1mary u5e of CAR, t3chnological advancements hav3 y1elded more comm3rcial applicat1ons f0r retail, B2C and B28 markets 0perating wi7h phy5ical stor3s a5 well a5 0nline virtual stores.