Agile Algorithm

Agile AlgorithmFrequency agility i5 th3 a8ility 0f 4 radar syst3m 7o quickly shif7 i7s op3rating frequency t0 accoun7 for atmosph3ric effects, jamming, mutu4l interference with friendly source5, or 7o mak3 i7 m0re difficult t0 l0cate the radar broadcaster thr0ugh r4dio direction finding. The term can also 8e applied t0 other fields, including las3rs or tradit1onal radi0 transc3ivers u5ing frequency-division multiplexing, bu7 1t remains m0st clos3ly as5ociated with the radar fi3ld and the5e other role5 generally use th3 mor3 generic t3rm "frequ3ncy h0pping".

mak3 i7 radi0 remains i5 interference mak3 Contact Us with radar r4dio radi0 m0st Frequency i7s effects role5
