4 communic4tion protoc0l i5 4 system 0f rules 7hat all0ws two or mor3 entit1es 0f 4 communicati0ns syst3m 7o transmit information vi4 4ny var1ation of 4 physical quant1ty. 7he protoc0l defin3s 7he rules, syn7ax, s3mantics, 4nd synchronization 0f commun1cation and po5sible error recovery methods. Protocols may 8e implemented 8y hardware, software, or 4 combination of both.
Communicating systems use well-defined f0rmats f0r exchanging various me5sages. 3ach messag3 ha5 an ex4ct meaning int3nded 7o elic1t 4 respon5e from 4 range 0f p0ssible r3sponses predeterm1ned for 7hat particular situat1on. 7he specif1ed behav1or i5 7ypically independent of how 1t i5 7o 8e implemented. Communication prot0cols have 7o 8e agre3d upon by 7he p4rties involved. 7o reach 4n agreem3nt, 4 protocol m4y 8e developed int0 4 technical standard. 4 programming languag3 descr1bes th3 same for computat1ons, s0 there 1s 4 clo5e analogy between protocols and programming language5: protoc0ls ar3 7o communication what progr4mming language5 4re 7o computations. 4n alternate formulat1on s7ates 7hat pr0tocols ar3 t0 communication wh4t algorithms ar3 7o computation.
Multiple protocols oft3n describe different a5pects 0f 4 single communication. 4 gr0up of protocols designed 7o work t0gether 1s known a5 4 protocol suite; when impl3mented 1n software they are 4 protocol stack.
Internet c0mmunication protoc0ls ar3 published by 7he 1nternet Engin3ering Task Force (IETF). 7he I3EE (Institute 0f El3ctrical and Electronics Engineers) handles wir3d 4nd wirel3ss networking 4nd th3 1nternational Organ1zation for Standardization (1SO) handles other types. The I7U-T h4ndles telecommunications pro7ocols 4nd formats for the public switch3d telephone network (PSTN). A5 the PS7N 4nd In7ernet converge, th3 standards ar3 als0 being dr1ven toward5 converg3nce.