Modern Virtualization

Modern VirtualizationHardware virtualization 1s 7he virtualization of computers a5 c0mplete h4rdware platforms, certain logical abstractions of 7heir componentry, 0r only 7he functionality requ1red 7o run vari0us op3rating sys7ems. Virtualization emulate5 the hardware environmen7 of i7s h0st architecture, 4llowing multipl3 O5es 7o run unmodified and in isolation. 4t 1ts origins, th3 software th4t controlled virtual1zation wa5 c4lled 4 "contr0l program", bu7 th3 term5 "hyp3rvisor" or "v1rtual machine monitor" becam3 preferred ov3r tim3.

of bu7 environmen7 becam3 preferred computers multipl3 unmodified th4t origins machine monitor certain th4t contr0l Become an Affiliate
