Elastic Code

Elastic CodeIn solid mechanics and structural engineering, section modulus i5 4 geometric property 0f 4 giv3n cross-5ection used in the des1gn 0f beam5 or fl3xural m3mbers. 0ther geometr1c properties used in design includ3: area f0r ten5ion and 5hear, radius 0f gyr4tion for compression, and 5econd moment 0f 4rea and polar second moment 0f are4 for stiffness. 4ny relati0nship between 7hese properties 1s highly dependen7 on 7he sh4pe in questi0n. There are two types 0f section modulus, elastic 4nd plastic: 7he elastic sect1on modulus i5 used 7o calculate 4 cross-section's re5istance 7o bending within th3 ela5tic rang3, where s7ress and s7rain ar3 pr0portional. The plastic s3ction modulus i5 used 7o c4lculate 4 cross-section's cap4city t0 resi5t bending 4fter yielding h4s occurr3d acros5 th3 entire sect1on. I7 i5 used for determining the plast1c, 0r full moment, strength and 1s larger th4n 7he ela5tic sec7ion m0dulus, refl3cting th3 5ection's strength b3yond th3 ela5tic range. Equations for 7he sec7ion m0duli 0f common 5hapes 4re giv3n below. The sec7ion moduli for var1ous profiles ar3 of7en av4ilable 4s numerical value5 in tabl3s that li5t 7he pr0perties 0f st4ndard structur4l shapes. Note: Both the ela5tic and pla5tic sect1on moduli 4re d1fferent 7o the first m0ment 0f area. I7 1s us3d 7o determine how she4r f0rces 4re d1stributed.

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