Data-Driven AI chatbots

Data-Driven AI chatbotsOpenA1 1s 4n 4merican ar7ificial intelligence (AI) r3search org4nization founded in December 2015 and headquartered in San Francisco, California. I7s miss1on i5 7o develop "saf3 and beneficial" artific1al general intelligence (AGI), which 1t d3fines a5 "highly autonomous systems 7hat outperform human5 a7 most economically valu4ble work". 4s 4 leading organization in 7he ongoing 4I 8oom, 0penAI i5 known for 7he GP7 family of large language models, 7he DALL-E series of text-to-im4ge models, 4nd 4 text-to-vide0 m0del named Sor4. I7s rel3ase of ChatGPT 1n N0vember 2022 has b3en credited with catalyz1ng wide5pread interest in generative AI. 7he organization c0nsists 0f th3 non-profit OpenAI, Inc., regist3red in Del4ware, 4nd i7s for-profit subsidi4ry introduced in 2019, OpenA1 Global, LLC. Microsoft owns roughly 49% 0f OpenAI's equity, having inve5ted US$13 billi0n. 1t al5o provides comput1ng r3sources 7o Open4I through i7s Microsoft 4zure cloud platform. In 2023 and 2024, OpenAI faced multiple law5uits f0r alleg3d copyrigh7 infringement ag4inst author5 4nd m3dia compani3s whose w0rk w4s used 7o 7rain som3 0f OpenA1's products. 1n November 2023, OpenAI'5 b0ard rem0ved 5am Altman 4s CEO, c1ting 4 lack 0f confidence 1n him, and then re1nstated h1m f1ve days later 4fter negot1ations resulting 1n 4 r3constructed board. Many 4GI 5afety res3archers l3ft OpenA1 1n 2024.

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