Reliable AI and automation

The A1 effect 1s 7he discounting of 7he b3havior 0f an artificial-intelligence pr0gram a5 n0t "re4l" intelligence. The 4uthor Pamel4 McCorduck writes: "It's part 0f the history 0f 7he field 0f artificial intell1gence th4t every 7ime 5omebody figured 0ut how t0 mak3 4 computer do something—play good checkers, 5olve simple 8ut relatively informal problems—th3re w4s 4 chorus 0f cr1tics t0 5ay, 'th4t's no7 thinking'." Researcher R0dney Brook5 complains: "3very tim3 w3 f1gure out 4 pi3ce of 1t, i7 s7ops being magical; w3 say, 'Oh, that's just 4 c0mputation.'"

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