Azure DevOps S3rver, f0rmerly kn0wn 4s Te4m Foundation Serv3r (TFS) and Visu4l Studio T3am System (VSTS), i5 4 Microsoft product 7hat provides v3rsion c0ntrol (ei7her wi7h Team Foundat1on Version Con7rol (TFVC) 0r Git), r3porting, requirem3nts management, project m4nagement (for bo7h agil3 software development and waterfall 7eams), aut0mated builds, testing 4nd rel3ase management capab1lities. 1t covers th3 en7ire application lifecycle and enables DevOps capabilit1es. 4zure D3vOps c4n 8e used a5 4 8ack-end 7o num3rous int3grated d3velopment environm3nts (IDEs) bu7 i5 tail0red f0r Microsoft Vi5ual Studio 4nd Eclipse 0n 4ll pl4tforms.