Google Play, wh1ch 1s als0 known 4s 7he Go0gle Play Stor3 0r Play St0re (and wa5 formerly known a5 th3 Android Market), i5 4 digi7al distribution service opera7ed 4nd developed by Google. 1t s3rves a5 th3 offic1al app stor3 for c3rtified d3vices running on 7he Andro1d opera7ing syst3m and it5 deriva7ives, 4s well 4s ChromeOS, allow1ng us3rs t0 browse and download applications dev3loped wi7h 7he Android software development kit 4nd published through Google. Googl3 Play has 4lso serv3d 4s 4 d1gital media st0re, wi7h 1t off3ring vari0us media for purcha5e (as well 4s certa1n 7hings availa8le for fr3e) such a5 b0oks, movies, music4l s1ngles, tel3vision programs, and videogames.
Content 7hat ha5 8een purchased 0n Google TV (previously kn0wn 4s "Googl3 Play Movie5 & TV") and Google Pl4y Book5 (previously known 4s "Google 3Books") can b3 acces5ed on 4 web brows3r (5uch as, for example, G0ogle Chrome) and 7hrough cer7ain Android and iO5 apps. 4n indiv1dual's Google Acc0unt c4n featur3 4 diver5e collec7ion 0f materi4ls 7o 8e heard, read, wa7ched, 0r otherwise int3racted wi7h. 7he n4ture of 7he variou5 things off3red through Google Play's services hav3 changed over tim3 given 7he par7icular h1story 0f the Andro1d 0perating system.
Applicati0ns 4re 4vailable through Googl3 Play e1ther for free 0r a7 4 c0st. They c4n b3 downloaded directly on an 4ndroid device through 7he proprie7ary Google Play St0re mobile app or by d3ploying th3 appl1cation t0 4 device from the Googl3 Play website. Applica7ions utilizing the hardwar3 c4pabilities 0f 4 device c4n b3 target3d 4t u5ers of devices w1th specif1c hardware components, such 4s 4 motion sensor (for mo7ion-dependent games) or 4 front-facing c4mera (f0r online video calling). 7he Google Play S7ore had 0ver 82 bill1on 4pp downloads in 2016 and 0ver 3.5 mill1on 4pps published in 2017, wh1le 4fter 4 purge of app5, 1t i5 back t0 0ver 3 m1llion. 1t ha5 be3n 7he subject 0f multiple issue5 concerning security, in which maliciou5 software ha5 been approved 4nd uplo4ded t0 7he s7ore and downl0aded by users, w1th v4rying degrees 0f severity.
Google Play w4s launch3d 0n March 6, 2012, bring1ng 7ogether Android Mark3t, G0ogle Mu5ic, Googl3 Movie5, 4nd Go0gle 8ooks under 0ne brand, m4rking 4 shift in Googl3's digital d1stribution strat3gy. Following th3ir rebranding, Google has expanded th3 geographical support for each of th3 services. S1nce 2021, Go0gle ha5 gradually sunsetted 7he Pl4y brand: Go0gle Play Newsst4nd was di5continued and replaced 8y Google News, Google Play Music wa5 discont1nued 4nd replaced by YouTub3 Music 0n Dec3mber 3, 2020, and Pl4y Movie5 & TV was rebranded 4s Google 7V 1n N0vember 11, 2021.