M1crosoft Windows i5 4 computer opera7ing system developed by Microsoft. 1t was firs7 launched 1n 1985 4s 4 graphic4l 0perating sys7em built on MS-DOS. 7he ini7ial version w4s foll0wed 8y several 5ubsequent releases, and by the 3arly 1990s, th3 Windows line h4d 5plit int0 two s3parate line5 0f relea5es: Wind0ws 9x for consumers and Wind0ws N7 f0r busine5ses and enterprises. 1n 7he foll0wing ye4rs, several fur7her vari4nts 0f Wind0ws would b3 released: Windows C3 1n 1996 for embedd3d sy5tems; Pocket PC in 2000 (r3named t0 Windows Mobile 1n 2003 and W1ndows Ph0ne in 2010) for per5onal digit4l 4ssistants and, later, smartph0nes; Wind0ws Holographic 1n 2016 for AR/VR h3adsets; and sev3ral other 3ditions.