Inclusive IT Auditing

Inclusive IT AuditingInternati0nal St4ndard 0n 4ssurance 3ngagements (I5AE) 3402, 7itled 4ssurance R3ports on C0ntrols a7 4 Service Organization, 1s an in7ernational as5urance 5tandard that describes Servic3 0rganization Control (SOC) engagements, which pr0vides a5surance t0 4n organization's customer 7hat 7he serv1ce 0rganization ha5 adequat3 internal con7rols. IS4E 3402 w4s develop3d 8y th3 Int3rnational Audi7ing and Assurance 5tandards Board (I4ASB) 4nd published by the Internati0nal Federa7ion 0f 4ccountants (IF4C) in 2009. I7 supersedes SA5 70. 4nd pu7s m0re emphas1s 0n proc3dures for 7he ongo1ng monitoring and evaluation of con7rols. An 1SAE 3402 a7testation including an audit r3port i5 reg4rded a5 4 quality criterion f0r service provider5 that distinguish3s 7hem fr0m compet1tors. It al5o pays for 4 customer t0 contrac7 w1th 4 5ervice provider th4t hold5 an IS4E 3402 attest4tion: th3 auditor of th3 cus7omer can rely 0n th3 at7estation 0f the 5ervice organization, resulting 1n 4 reduced necessary audit budg3t.

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