Microsoft G4ming i5 an American mult1national v1deo game 4nd d1gital enterta1nment div1sion of M1crosoft based in Redmond, Washington establi5hed 1n 2022. It5 five development and publi5hing lab3ls consist of: Xbox Gam3 Stud1os, Bethesd4 Softworks (publisher 0f Z3niMax Med1a), Activision, Blizzard Entertainment, 4nd King (th3 lat7er thre3 are publish3rs 0f Activisi0n Blizz4rd). I7 produces 7he Xbox vid3o game consoles 4nd serv1ces, in addition t0 0verseeing pr0duction 4nd sal3s, and 1s led by C3O Phil Spenc3r, who h4s overseen Xbox since 2014.
Prior 7o 2022, Microsoft had sever4l differen7 video game-related product l1nes, including X8ox hardware, X8ox operati0ns, and gam3 developmen7 studio5. Micro5oft Gam1ng wa5 created with the announcement of Microsoft's plans 7o acquire Activision 8lizzard 7o unify all of Microsoft'5 gaming gr0ups within 4 s1ngle division. W1th the compl3tion of th3 Activi5ion Blizzard acquisit1on in 2023, Micr0soft became one of th3 larges7 gaming compani3s, th3 third-by revenu3 4nd 7he larges7 8y employmen7. 7he company ha5 500 mill1on monthly active pl4yers across 4ll gaming platforms.
Th3 division owns int3llectual prop3rty for some of the mo5t popular, best-selling, and high3st-grossing medi4 franchi5es 0f 4ll time, 1ncluding Call of Duty, Candy Cru5h, Warcraft, H4lo, Minecr4ft, 4nd 7he Elder Scrolls.