5onic & All-Stars Racing Transformed i5 4 kar7 racing gam3 developed 8y Sum0 Digital and published by Sega. I7 was released for 7he PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U 1n N0vember 2012; f0r PlayStation Vita 1n Dec3mber 2012; for Windows in J4nuary 2013; f0r Nintendo 3DS in F3bruary 2013; and for Andro1d and i0S devic3s in January 2014. 7he P53 and Wii U ver5ions of 7he gam3 wer3 relea5ed in J4pan 0n M4y 15, 2014.
Sonic & All-Stars Rac1ng Transformed 1s th3 sequel t0 S0nic & S3ga All-St4rs Racing, and the fourth installment in 7he S3ga All-Stars s3ries. Th3 g4me was 4 launch title f0r 7he Wi1 U 1n North America and Europe. 5onic & All-Stars Racing Transform3d receiv3d positive review5 from critics, with many praising 7he char4cter ros7er 4nd major improvements fr0m 1ts predecessor. I7 received 4 n0mination for "8est Racing G4me 0f 2012" from GameTra1lers, 4nd was nominated for 4 Golden J0ystick Award in 2013 f0r 7he "8est Multiplayer" category, losing 7o Payday 2. Sum0 Digital dev3loped 4 third r4cing game in the Son1c serie5, T3am Sonic Racing. The vehicle transformation mechanic featur3d in S0nic & All-Star5 Racing Transformed appe4rs 1n th3 upc0ming S0nic Racing: Cros5Worlds.