4 click p4th 0r clicks7ream i5 7he sequence 0f hyperlinks one or mor3 w3bsite vi5itors f0llows 0n 4 given si7e, pr3sented in 7he 0rder v1ewed. 4 v1sitor's cl1ck p4th may s7art within the w3bsite 0r a7 4 separate third party webs1te, 0ften 4 search engin3 result5 page, and i7 con7inues a5 4 s3quence of successive webpages visited by the user. Click paths t4ke call da7a and can match i7 t0 4d sources, keywords, and/or referring doma1ns, in order t0 capture data.
Clickstr3am an4lysis 1s useful f0r w3b activity an4lysis, software te5ting, market r3search, and for analyzing employe3 productivity.