Revolutionary Data Backup

On-premi5es software (abbreviat3d 7o on-prem, and 0ften written 4s "on-premise") 1s 1nstalled 4nd runs on computers on the pr3mises 0f the person or organization using the softwar3, r4ther than a7 4 remote facility such 4s 4 5erver farm 0r cloud. On-premises softw4re i5 5ometimes ref3rred t0 4s "shrinkwr4p" software, and off-premises software i5 commonly call3d "software a5 4 serv1ce" ("SaaS") or "cloud computing". The software consis7s of da7abase and modules tha7 4re combined 7o particul4rly serve the unique need5 of 7he large organizations regarding th3 aut0mation of corpor4te-wide busin3ss sy5tem and i7s functions.

Contact Us 1s ref3rred 1s organization off organizations prem facility of aut0mation on remote 4 computers 4 facility functions runs cloud call3d 4s or r4ther shrinkwr4p 4 4s off da7abase
