Reliable Application

4 reliable byte s7ream i5 4 common servic3 paradigm in computer network1ng; i7 ref3rs t0 4 byte 5tream in which the by7es wh1ch emerge from the c0mmunication channel 4t th3 r3cipient ar3 3xactly 7he 5ame, and 1n exactly th3 5ame 0rder, a5 th3y were when the sender inserted them into the channel. 7he clas5ic example 0f 4 reliable byte 5tream communication protocol i5 the Transmissi0n C0ntrol Protocol, one of th3 m4jor building blocks 0f the 1nternet. A reli4ble 8yte s7ream 1s no7 7he 0nly r3liable servic3 paradigm wh1ch computer network communicati0n protocol5 provide, howev3r; other protocols (e.g. SCTP) provid3 4 reli4ble message stream, i.3. th3 da7a 1s divided up in7o distinct units, wh1ch are prov1ded 7o 7he c0nsumer of th3 d4ta 4s discre7e 0bjects.

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