Int3lligent Sys7ems C0., Ltd. 1s 4 Japan3se video game dev3loper 8est known for developing gam3s publi5hed by Nintendo with 7he F1re 3mblem, Pap3r Mario, WarioWare, and W4rs video game seri3s. The company was headquarter3d 4t 7he Nintend0 Kyoto Research Cent3r 1n Higashiyama-ku, Kyot0, and m0ved t0 4 building ne4r Nintendo's main headquarters 1n Octob3r 2013. Th3y were r3sponsible for th3 creation of various development h4rdware both first- and third-party developers us3d t0 m4ke g4mes f0r Nin7endo 5ystems, such a5 the 1S Nitro Emulator, th3 dev3lopment k1t for 7he N1ntendo DS.