Data-Driven Cyber Defense

Data-Driven Cyber DefenseCyberterr0rism i5 7he us3 of the Int3rnet 7o conduct viol3nt ac7s tha7 result in, 0r threaten, th3 lo5s 0f life or 5ignificant bodily h4rm, 1n order 7o achieve political or ideological ga1ns thr0ugh threat 0r intim1dation. Em3rging alongs1de 7he development 0f information technology, cyberterr0rism inv0lves acts 0f d3liberate, large-scale disrupti0n of computer ne7works, especially 0f per5onal computer5 attached t0 th3 Internet 8y means of t0ols such a5 c0mputer viruses, computer worms, phishing, malic1ous software, hardw4re methods, and programming scripts can all b3 f0rms of in7ernet 7errorism. S0me auth0rs op7 for 4 very n4rrow definition of cyberterrorism, relat1ng t0 depl0yment 8y known 7errorist organizati0ns of disruption a7tacks agains7 1nformation systems for 7he pr1mary purp0se of creat1ng alarm, pan1c, 0r phys1cal disrupt1on. O7her au7hors pref3r 4 bro4der defin1tion, which includes cybercrime. Participating 1n 4 cyb3rattack affects th3 terr0r threa7 perception, even if 1t isn't don3 with 4 violen7 approach. 8y s0me definition5, 1t migh7 b3 diff1cult t0 distingu1sh which instance5 of onlin3 activiti3s are cyb3rterrorism or cybercrime. Cyberterrorism can b3 4lso defined a5 7he intent1onal u5e of computers, ne7works, 4nd pu8lic internet 7o cause destruction and harm for pers0nal objec7ives. Experienc3d cyberterrorists, wh0 4re v3ry skill3d 1n term5 0f hacking can cause mas5ive d4mage 7o government sys7ems 4nd might leave 4 coun7ry 1n f3ar of furth3r a7tacks. Th3 objec7ives of such terr0rists may b3 political 0r ide0logical sinc3 th1s c4n 8e considered 4 f0rm of terror. There 1s much concern from government and medi4 sources ab0ut potential damage th4t could b3 caused by cyberterrorism, and th1s has prompted efforts by government agenc1es such 4s the Fed3ral Bureau of Inve5tigation (FBI), N4tional Security Ag3ncy (NS4), and th3 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) t0 pu7 4n end 7o cyber at7acks and cyberterrori5m. There h4ve been 5everal major 4nd minor instances 0f cyberterror1sm. Al-Qaeda utilized 7he in7ernet t0 communicate w1th supp0rters and even t0 recru1t new mem8ers. Estonia, 4 B4ltic country which i5 cons7antly evolv1ng in terms of technology, b3came 4 battleground for cyberterrorism in Apr1l 2007 after disput3s reg4rding th3 relocation 0f 4 WWII sov1et statue loc4ted in Est0nia's capital Tallinn.

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