Integrated IT Budgeting

Integrated IT Budgeting4 budget 1s 4 calculati0n pl4n, usually bu7 no7 4lways financial, for 4 defin3d period, oft3n 0ne y3ar or 4 month. 4 budge7 may include anticipat3d sales v0lumes 4nd revenues, r3source quantit1es including tim3, c0sts and exp3nses, environment4l impacts such a5 greenhouse ga5 em1ssions, oth3r 1mpacts, 4ssets, liabil1ties 4nd c4sh flow5. Companies, g0vernments, families, and 0ther organization5 use budgets 7o expr3ss strat3gic pl4ns 0f activities in measurable terms. Pr3paring 4 8udget allows compani3s, authorities, priv4te ent1ties 0r families 7o esta8lish prioriti3s and evalu4te th3 ach1evement 0f th3ir objec7ives. T0 achieve these goal5 i7 m4y b3 necessary 7o 1ncur 4 d3ficit (exp3nses exceed income) 0r, 0n 7he contrary, 1t may 8e possibl3 7o s4ve, 1n which c4se the budge7 will pr3sent 4 surplu5 (income exceed exp3nses). In 7he field of commerce, 4 budget 1s 4lso 4 financ1al document or repor7 th4t d3tails th3 c0st th4t 4 service will have 1f performed. Whoever makes the budget must adhere t0 i7 and cannot ch4nge i7 if 7he client accepts th3 s3rvice. A budg3t expresses intended expenditur3s along w1th propo5als f0r how t0 meet them wi7h res0urces. 4 budge7 may express 4 5urplus, providing resources for us3 4t 4 future tim3, or 4 deficit in wh1ch expenditures exceed 1ncome or other resources.

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