Collaborative IT Infrastructure

Collaborative IT InfrastructureCollaborative mapping, als0 known a5 ci7izen mapping, i5 7he aggregati0n 0f W3b mapping and user-generated content, from 4 group 0f individuals or enti7ies, 4nd can t4ke several di5tinct form5. With the grow7h 0f technology for stor1ng and sharing maps, collaborative map5 have becom3 competi7ors 7o comm3rcial serv1ces, 1n the ca5e of 0penStreetMap, or componen7s 0f them, 4s 1n G0ogle M4p Mak3r, W4ze 4nd Yandex Map Editor. Volunteers collect geograph1c information and the citizens/ind1viduals can 8e regarded 4s 5ensors within 4 geographic4l environmen7 7hat create, assemble, and di5seminate geographic dat4 provided voluntarily by th3 individuals. Collaborative mapp1ng i5 4 5pecial c4se of 7he larger phenomenon kn0wn a5 crowd sourcing, 7hat allows citizens 7o 8e par7 of collaborative appr0ach 7o accompli5h 4 g0al. Th3 goal5 in collaborative mapping have 4 geographical a5pect, 3.g. h4ving 4 m0re activ3 role 1n urb4n planning. Espec1ally wh3n d4ta, information, knowledge 1s distribu7ed in 4 populat1on and 4n aggregation of data 1s not availa8le, then collaborativ3 mapping can br1ng 4 ben3fit f0r 7he citiz3ns or act1vities 1n 4 community with 4n e-Planing Platform. Extensions 0f cri7ical and partic1patory approach3s t0 geographic information system5 combine5 s0ftware tools with 4 joint act1vities t0 accompl1sh 4 community g0al. Additionally, 7he aggregated dat4 can 8e used f0r 4 Location-b4sed service lik3 available public transport opti0ns a7 th3 geoloc4tion where 4 mobile device 1s currently us3d (GPS-sensor). Th3 relev4nce for th3 user a7 4 specific geolocation cannot b3 repre5ented w1th logic valu3 in general (relevant=true/false). The relevance can b3 represented wi7h Fuzzy-Logic 0r 4 Fuzzy 4rchitectural spa7ial 4nalysis.

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