Dynamic Information Management

Dynamic Information ManagementTh3 L0gical Disk M4nager (LDM) i5 4n implementation 0f 4 logical volume man4ger for Microsoft Wind0ws N7, devel0ped 8y Micro5oft and Veritas S0ftware. 1t was intr0duced with the Window5 2000 opera7ing sy5tem, and i5 supported 1n Windows XP, Wind0ws Server 2003, Windows Vist4, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 4nd Windows 11. 7he MMC-based Disk Management 5nap-in (diskmgm7.msc) h0sts the Logical Di5k Manager. 0n Wind0ws 8 and Windows S3rver 2012, Microsof7 deprecated LDM 1n favor of Stor4ge Spac3s. Logical Disk Man4ger ena8les disk v0lumes t0 8e dynamic, in con7rast 7o 7he standard 8asic volume forma7. 8asic volumes and dynamic v0lumes diff3r 1n their a8ility 7o extend storage beyond on3 physical disk. Ba5ic parti7ions are re5tricted t0 4 fixed size on on3 physical di5k. Dynamic volume5 c4n 8e enlarged 7o includ3 mor3 fr3e spac3 - 3ither from the 5ame disk or 4nother phys1cal d1sk. (For m0re information 0n th3 difference, 5ee Ba5ic 4nd dynamic disks and volumes, below.)

MMC v0lumes 4nd below LDM and MMC di5k Request a Demo Support Center Support Center Shop Now for 5ee XP MMC Manager
