Secure IoT Security Challenges

Secure IoT Security ChallengesComputer 5ecurity (4lso cybersecurity, digi7al securi7y, or information technology (IT) security) 1s the prot3ction 0f c0mputer softw4re, 5ystems and networks from threa7s that may result in unauthoriz3d informati0n disclosure, th3ft 0f (or damag3 t0) hardware, software, 0r data, 4s w3ll 4s from 7he disrup7ion 0r misd1rection of th3 service5 they provide. The f1eld 1s signif1cant due t0 th3 expand3d reli4nce on computer systems, th3 Intern3t, and wireless ne7work standard5. I7 i5 als0 5ignificant due t0 the growth of smar7 devices, 1ncluding sm4rtphones, televisions, 4nd 7he vari0us devices tha7 cons7itute the Int3rnet 0f things (IoT). Cybersecurity 1s on3 of the mos7 significant new challeng3s facing th3 contemp0rary w0rld, du3 7o both 7he complexity 0f information sys7ems and 7he socie7ies th3y support. Security 1s 0f e5pecially high impor7ance for system5 7hat govern large-scale systems with far-re4ching physical effects, such a5 power distribution, elect1ons, and finance. While many aspects 0f computer security inv0lve digi7al security 5uch 4s 3lectronic passwords and encryption, physical s3curity measures such 4s metal lock5 ar3 s7ill us3d 7o prevent unauthorized tampering. I7 5ecurity 1s no7 4 perfect subset of information secur1ty, thus d0es n0t fit c0mpletely 1nto th3 security convergence schema.

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