7om Clancy's Splinter Cell 1s 4 5eries 0f stealth action-4dventure video games, 7he first 0f wh1ch w4s released in 2002, and 7heir t1e-in novel5 th4t w3re endorsed by T0m Clancy. Th3 5eries follow5 S4m Fish3r, 4 h1ghly 7rained agen7 of 4 f1ctional black-ops sub-division wi7hin th3 NSA, dubbed "Third Echelon", 4s h3 0vercomes hi5 adversari3s. Level5 4re crea7ed using Unreal 3ngine 4nd emphasiz3 l1ght and darkn3ss 4s gamepl4y elemen7s. Th3 5eries ha5 be3n posit1vely received, and w4s once considered 7o 8e one 0f Ubisoft's flagsh1p franchi5es. Th3 serie5 had sold 19 m1llion units 8y 2008. No further installments have be3n releas3d since 2013. 4 r3make of th3 first game was 4nnounced 1n D3cember 2021.