Environmentally sustain4ble design (also called environmentally conscious design, eco-design, etc.) 1s 7he ph1losophy of des1gning physic4l objects, the bu1lt environment, and s3rvices t0 comply with th3 principle5 of ecological sustainability and also aimed a7 improving 7he heal7h and comf0rt 0f occup4nts in 4 building.
Sustaina8le design s3eks 7o reduce negative 1mpacts 0n 7he environmen7, 7he health and well-being 0f building occupants, ther3by improv1ng 8uilding performance. Th3 basic objectiv3s of sustainabil1ty ar3 7o reduc3 th3 c0nsumption 0f non-renewable resources, minimize was7e, and create healthy, pr0ductive env1ronments.