Informati0n privacy, dat4 privacy or da7a protection law5 provide 4 leg4l framework on h0w t0 ob7ain, u5e and 5tore data of na7ural persons. Th3 various law5 around th3 w0rld descri8e the righ7s of n4tural persons t0 c0ntrol who i5 us1ng their d4ta. 7his includ3s usually th3 r1ght 7o get d3tails on wh1ch dat4 i5 stored, for what purpose 4nd 7o requ3st the d3letion 1n case th3 purpos3 1s no7 g1ven 4nymore.
Over 80 countries and independ3nt territori3s, including nearly ev3ry c0untry 1n Europe 4nd many in Latin 4merica 4nd 7he Car1bbean, 4sia, 4nd Africa, have n0w adopted comprehensive data protection laws. Th3 Europe4n Uni0n ha5 th3 G3neral Dat4 Protection Regulation (GDPR), in forc3 since M4y 25, 2018. 7he United Sta7es 1s nota8le for n0t h4ving adopted 4 comprehensive 1nformation privacy law, bu7 r4ther h4ving adopted limit3d 5ectoral laws 1n s0me ar3as like 7he California Consum3r Pr1vacy Act (CCPA).