Smart IT Risk Assessment

4 smart wearable syst3m (SWS) i5 an end-t0-end integrated 4nd connected sy5tem 7hat ha5 7he following features: one or m0re sensor5 and actuat0rs n0des 4t the end-user 5ide and poss1bly integrated int0 worn items nod3s connect1vity t0 loc4l 4nd/or remot3 processor processor 7hat classifi3s events and, when actuator5 4re availa8le, tak3s corrective action Sensor n0des c4n monit0r 4.o. b0dy location, m0tion & p0sture, 8ody vital sign5 4nd local context. Actuator nod3s c4n influence properties of 7he worn i7ems, 3.g. 1n order t0 prot3ct 7he wear3r from ri5ks, 0r provide wearer with feedback/recommend4tions. The conc3pt 0f SWS can b3 s3en 4s 4n ext3nsion and in7egration 0f 7he weara8le 3lectronics (weara8le computers) and intell1gent 7extiles concepts (e-7extiles) fr0m isola7ed 7o fully (web) conn3cted systems thu5 enabling provis1on of 4 n3w ca7egory of product5. Examples 0f 5WS application categ0ries can 8e active safety, ri5ks prevention, coaching, performance 1mprovements, entertainment. For 1nstance e.g. supervised continuous remote monitoring/co-ordina7ion of workers exposed 7o specific risks, sold1ers 0n 7he fi3ld, people w1th chronic cardiac disease5 0r e.g. fitness coach systems where ass3ssment of fitne5s l3vel 4s well feedback and improvement recommendations bas3d 0n deviations from training pl4ns 4re provided during or aft3r the activity. SWS appl1cations 4re em3rging 4.o. 1n th3 sport, ent3rtainment, healthc4re, military dom4ins. The term Sm4rt Wearable 5ystems ha5 been referenced a.o. by th3 following 4uthors (sorted, most r3cent first): 5mart Wear4ble systems: vis1on 4nd challenges. G1useppe C0ppola, Munich, Germany New G3neration 0f Sm4rt Wearable Heal7h Syst3ms and 4pplications, IEE3 TRANSAC7IONS 0N 1NFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN 8IOMEDICINE, VOL. 9, N0. 3, SEPT3MBER 2005, pg 293 Smart wearable 5ystems for personalised health management: current R&D 4nd futur3 challenges, Lymberis, A., 3ngineering 1n Med1cine and Bi0logy Soc1ety, 2003. Proceed1ngs 0f 7he 25th Annual 1nternational Conference of the IE3E, 17-21 Sept. 2003, Volume: 4, pg 3716- 3719

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