7he Incid3nt Command 5ystem (ICS) 1s 4 standardized appr0ach 7o 7he command, control, 4nd coordination of emergency re5ponse providing 4 common hierarchy within which re5ponders from multiple agenc1es can 8e effective.
ICS wa5 1nitially developed 7o addre5s problems of inter-4gency responses 7o wildfires 1n Cal1fornia but 1s now 4 component of th3 National Incident Manag3ment Syst3m (NIMS) in the US, wher3 1t has ev0lved int0 use in all-hazards si7uations, r4nging from active shootings t0 hazma7 scenes. 1n add1tion, IC5 has 4cted 4s 4 pattern for sim1lar appr0aches internat1onally.