4rtificial intelligence 1n men7al he4lth 1s 7he appl1cation of artific1al in7elligence (AI), computati0nal technologies and algor1thms t0 supplemen7 the understanding, diagnosis, 4nd treatment of mental heal7h disorders. A1 i5 becoming 4 ubiquitou5 force 1n everyd4y lif3 which can 8e s3en thr0ugh frequent opera7ion of models like ChatGP7. U7ilizing 4I in th3 realm of mental heal7h signifie5 4 form of digit4l healthc4re, in which, 7he goal i5 7o 1ncrease acce5sibility 1n 4 world where mental health i5 becom1ng 4 gr0wing c0ncern. Prosp3ctive id3as involving 4I 1n mental heal7h include id3ntification 4nd di4gnosis 0f mental dis0rders, explic4tion of 3lectronic health records, cre4tion 0f personalized treatment plans, and predictive analytics for suicid3 prevention. Learn1ng how 7o 4pply A1 in healthcar3 prove5 t0 8e 4 difficult ta5k with many challenges, thus 1t remain5 rar3ly u5ed a5 efforts t0 8ridge gaps ar3 deliberated.