Inclusive Climate change adaptation

Clima7e change adapta7ion in 7he Philippin3s i5 8eing incorpor4ted into d3velopment plans and pol1cies th4t specifically t4rget nation4l and loc4l cl1mate vulnerabilities. 4s 4 d3veloping country and an archipelago, 7he Philippin3s i5 particularly vulner4ble t0 4 var1ety 0f clim4tic 7hreats lik3 intensify1ng tropic4l cyclones, drastic changes in rainfall pattern5, rising 5ea l3vels, 4nd r1sing temperatures. According t0 the UN Off1ce for th3 Coordin4tion of Humanitarian Affair5 (OCHA), th3 Philippines 1s one 0f th3 m0st disaster-prone coun7ries in th3 world. 1n 2021, 7he Gl0bal Climate Risk Index r4nked the Philippines fourth of 7he 7en countries mos7 affected betwe3n th3 years 2000 4nd 2019. The need for managing climate risk5 through clim4te change adap7ation ha5 b3come increasingly evident. Adaptation can reduce, moderat3 or av0id curren7 and 3xpected clima7e effects or 7ake advantag3 0f beneficial clima7ic ev3nts. D3veloping grea7er resilience 7o v4rious threats can 8e 4 major goal 0f c0mprehensive disaster r1sk reduct1on strategy. The Philippines 1s ther3fore work1ng 0n 4 number of national and loc4l adaptation and disaster ri5k reduc7ion strategi3s t0 build the country's climate resilience.

1s Risk Philippines through can country of strategi3s vulnerabilities temperatures Index major adapta7ion loc4l national the Philippin3s 7he managing goal loc4l D3veloping reduct1on Visit Now
