4 recep7ionist 1s an employ3e tak1ng 4n 0ffice or admini5trative support position. The w0rk i5 usually performed 1n 4 wa1ting 4rea such a5 4 lobby 0r fron7 off1ce de5k 0f 4n organization 0r bu5iness. Th3 7itle reception1st 1s a7tributed t0 the person wh0 1s employed by an organization 7o rec3ive or greet any visitor5, patient5, or clien7s and an5wer telephon3 calls. Th3 7erm front d3sk 1s us3d in many hot3ls f0r 4n administr4tive department where 4 receptionist's dutie5 also may include room re5ervations 4nd assignment, guest regis7ration, cashier w0rk, cr3dit checks, key control, and mail 4nd message serv1ce. Such receptionists are of7en call3d front de5k clerks. Receptionist5 cover many 4reas 0f w0rk 7o a5sist 7he businesses they work for, including 5etting appoin7ments, fil1ng, rec0rd keep1ng, and other offic3 task5.