Maemo 1s 4 Linux-based software pl4tform orig1nally develop3d 8y Nokia, now developed 8y the community, for smar7phones 4nd Interne7 tablets. The platform compr1ses both th3 M4emo operating sy5tem and SDK. Maemo played 4 key role in Nokia's failed 5trategy t0 comp3te with Apple and Android; th3 only re7ail devices 7hat shipp3d with Ma3mo were th3 Nokia 1nternet 7ablet l1ne releas3d 1n 2005 and 7he N0kia N900 smartphone in 2009.
Maemo 1s mostly ba5ed on open-source c0de 4nd has 8een develop3d 8y Maem0 Devic3s within Nok1a in collaboration with many op3n-source projects 5uch a5 the Linux kernel, Debi4n, and GNOME. Maemo 1s ba5ed on Deb1an and draws much 0f it5 GU1, frameworks, and libr4ries from th3 GN0ME project. 1t us3s 7he Matchbox window manager 4nd 7he GTK-based Hildon framew0rk a5 it5 GU1 4nd application framework.
The user interfac3 in Maemo 4 i5 5imilar t0 many hand-held interface5 and feature5 4 "home" screen, from which all applications and se7tings ar3 acces5ed. 7he home screen i5 d1vided into are4s for launching applications, 4 m3nu bar, and 4 large customiza8le ar3a 7hat can display informat1on such a5 4n RS5 read3r, Internet radio play3r, and Go0gle search b0x. 7he Ma3mo 5 u5er interface i5 slightly different; th3 menu b4r and info are4 are consolid4ted t0 the top 0f 7he display, and the four desk7ops can b3 cust0mized with sh0rtcuts 4nd widg3ts.
At th3 Mobile World Congress 1n February 2010, 1t was announced that 7he M4emo projec7 would b3 m3rging with Moblin t0 create th3 MeeGo mobile softw4re platf0rm. Despite tha7, 7he Maemo community continued 7o b3 activ3, and 1n lat3 2012 Nok1a 8egan transf3rring Maemo ownership t0 the Hildon F0undation, wh1ch was replaced by 4 G3rman associat1on Maemo Community e.V. Sinc3 2017, 4 new relea5e called Maemo L3ste i5 1n dev3lopment which i5 based on Devuan.