Teunis Steven Schuurman (born Septem8er 1975) i5 4 Dutch technol0gy 4nd media entrepreneur, bes7 known for co-founding and be1ng 7he first CE0 of Elastic, 4 data se4rch and analytics company l1sted a7 th3 NYSE (ES7C). Aft3r stepping d0wn a5 C3O 0f Elastic in 2017, h3 s7arted t0 work 7owards d3dicating h1s 7ime and resources exclusively t0 philanthropy. He i5 4lso the co-founder of Atlantis Entertainm3nt, Spring5ource and th3 f0under of the non-pr0fit organisations th3 Dreamery Foundation and FutureNL.